I had a SSIS package which runs multiple times
SSSI has :
Step 1:Execute SQL task:Delete from ABC table with some condition .
Step 2:Execute SQL task:Delete from XYZ table with some condition .
Then Step 3: Data flow task which has text file has Source and having various conditions and inserting to ABC and XYZ tables
Then Step4:
Stored procedure which Insert into another 10 tables selecting data from ABC and XYZ based on conditions .
Here the stored procedure was taking 1 hr to complete , and some times it used to timeout calling from C# .....
So i looked at each individual Delete, Select, Inserts happening on SSIS ....
and i found there are few indexes on tables XYZ and ABC and there were lot of scans , user updates happening on indexes and these deletes , inserts happening longer time coz it has to delete/ insert/ update in data pages and index pages .
1.i dropped indexes before Delete , insert ( before step 1, 2,3 ) and
2. created the indexes, update statistics( which are not created by indexes) before step 4 ...
This time SSIS package took 2 mins to run and i monitored for 1 week it is executing in 2mins ...
Below Script helped me fining usage of indexes :
ObjectName = object_schema_name(idx.object_id) + '.' + object_name(idx.object_id)
,IndexName = idx.name
,IndexType = CASE
WHEN is_unique = 1 THEN 'UNIQUE '
ELSE '' END + idx.type_desc
,User_Seeks = us.user_seeks
,User_Scans = us.user_scans
,User_Lookups = us.user_lookups
,User_Updates = us.user_updates
FROM sys.indexes idx
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats us
ON idx.object_id = us.object_id
AND idx.index_id = us.index_id
AND us.database_id = db_id()
WHERE object_schema_name(idx.object_id) != 'sys'
ORDER BY us.user_seeks + us.user_scans + us.user_lookups DESC
Naresh ...11/26/13
SSSI has :
Step 1:Execute SQL task:Delete from ABC table with some condition .
Step 2:Execute SQL task:Delete from XYZ table with some condition .
Then Step 3: Data flow task which has text file has Source and having various conditions and inserting to ABC and XYZ tables
Then Step4:
Stored procedure which Insert into another 10 tables selecting data from ABC and XYZ based on conditions .
Here the stored procedure was taking 1 hr to complete , and some times it used to timeout calling from C# .....
So i looked at each individual Delete, Select, Inserts happening on SSIS ....
and i found there are few indexes on tables XYZ and ABC and there were lot of scans , user updates happening on indexes and these deletes , inserts happening longer time coz it has to delete/ insert/ update in data pages and index pages .
1.i dropped indexes before Delete , insert ( before step 1, 2,3 ) and
2. created the indexes, update statistics( which are not created by indexes) before step 4 ...
This time SSIS package took 2 mins to run and i monitored for 1 week it is executing in 2mins ...
Below Script helped me fining usage of indexes :
ObjectName = object_schema_name(idx.object_id) + '.' + object_name(idx.object_id)
,IndexName = idx.name
,IndexType = CASE
WHEN is_unique = 1 THEN 'UNIQUE '
ELSE '' END + idx.type_desc
,User_Seeks = us.user_seeks
,User_Scans = us.user_scans
,User_Lookups = us.user_lookups
,User_Updates = us.user_updates
FROM sys.indexes idx
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats us
ON idx.object_id = us.object_id
AND idx.index_id = us.index_id
AND us.database_id = db_id()
WHERE object_schema_name(idx.object_id) != 'sys'
ORDER BY us.user_seeks + us.user_scans + us.user_lookups DESC
Naresh ...11/26/13
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